Tools & Trainings


Strategic prayer for multiplying obedient disciples

Every church multiplication movement in recorded history happened in the context of extraordinary prayer. We equip the church to launch extraordinary prayer efforts including 24/7 prayer during Ramadan.


Believing in the priority of abundant evangelism, Kingdom.Training equips disciple makers to accelerate movements with an end-to-end media strategy.


Stewarding the believers and churches God gives requires accountability and solid systems. Disciple.Tools software boosts collaboration, clarity, and accountability for disciple and church multiplication movements.


Zúme Training delivers an online and in-life learning experience designed for small groups that follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.


Prayer.Global seeks to encourage extraordinary prayer for the fulfillment of the Great Commission using technology.

Location Grid Project

The Location Grid Project offers a cross-referenced grid for reporting on movement progress across the planet, while at the same time is location sensitive for activity in dangerous or anti-christian locations and compliance with increasing privacy laws like GDPR.

Hill 111

Like Jonathan, we want to make an offering to God (Romans 15:16) by taking the hill (1 Samuel 14). The hill that the Holy Spirit has called us to take is to see one million Christian groups among one thousand people groups in one decade (by March 13, 2023).