
I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.’

– Romans 15:20

In order to ensure that we could always freely give away the tools and resources we pioneered, we launched Gospel Ambition as a no-bricks-and-mortar 501(c)(3) with an independent board in 2018.


We have seen Jesus and He is with us!


We exist to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation, together.


We multiply obedient disciples.

Team Values

Heavenly economy, walking in the Light, expectancy, prayerful urgency, perseverance

What we demand of our projects

Word-centric, action-oriented, scalable, apostolic, brutal honesty

Our journey began in North Africa, an Islamic police state where optimists estimated that 1 in every 40,000 knew Christ. Convinced that what Jesus did on the cross could change that, we relentlessly pursued God to understand our part. He led us to the sobering conviction that we should start an evangelistic website, though the BBC estimated this country to have the most intrusive cyber-police in the world. 

Through perseverance and providence we saw unprecedented spiritual fruit. Believing the more we gave away, the more God would entrust to us, we started helping other mission teams and mission organizations benefit from our initiatives.

Living in the heavenly economy

In the heavenly economy, we profit by what we give away. When we faithfully obey and pass on what the Lord communicates to us, He will communicate with us more clearly and fully. This path leads to deeper insights, greater intimacy with God, and living the abundant life He intends for us.

Our desire to live out this heavenly economy laid the foundation for all of the tools we at Gospel Ambition pioneered.