Fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation, together

Our work isn’t done until everyone’s work is done.

Creating solutions for the global body of Christ.

Gospel Ambition serves the Church to multiply obedient disciples, creating and giving multilingual tools and trainings to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation 

Technology has saturated the globe with one thing after another in recent years. It’s the Gospel’s turn.

Extraordinary Prayer

Pray4Movement helps the church pray strategically for Disciple Making Movements.

Movement Stewardship

Disciple.Tools software boosts collaboration, clarity, and accountability for disciple and church multiplication movements.

Abundant Evangelism

Kingdom.Training equips disciple makers to accelerate movements with an end-to-end media strategy.

Disciple Multiplication

Zúme Training for small groups who follow Jesus to learn how to obey His Great Commission and make disciples who multiply.

“I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.'”

Romans 15:20

Let’s do this together

Whether it’s pursuing extraordinary prayer, accelerating a movement through the strategic use of media, stewarding a movement with Disciple.Tools, starting a Zúme Training, or giving financially to accelerate our work, we want to partner with you in fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation.

Sign up for news to guide your prayers.

Accelerate our tools and training by donating.

Donate your time and talents to make an impact.