
There are roughly 1.9 billion Muslim people worldwide – that’s a lot of lost souls! According to the Joshua Project, only about 15% of them even know a Christian. That means that an estimated 1.615 billion people who practice Islam have never met a Christian, much less the historic Jesus Himself. Those numbers are sobering. Numbers like that can feel overwhelming. What can someone like me even do to make an impact on that? And yet as a Christian, I know that no one should suffer the pain of living and dying separated from the love of Christ.

We have felt an urging from the Holy Spirit to enter the foreign mission field since our early marriage. Most recently we were given the opportunity to connect with a Muslim refugee family from Afghanistan, and that experience showed us that God was specifically calling us to share the gospel with those who come from Muslim backgrounds. God has been opening doors for us to partner with an organization called Gospel Ambition, based in the Muslim-majority region of North Africa. Gospel Ambition’s open-source tools and trainings empower the Church to aggressively pursue the Great Commission’s fulfillment in this generation. With decades of experience, they have seen thousands of lives transformed by the love of Jesus.

At the end of May, we, along with our eldest son are traveling to North Africa for a 10-day exploratory trip to see how the giftings and wisdom given to us through the Holy Spirit can best be used to serve the unreached in partnership with Gospel Ambition. We will be speaking with local experts, connecting with fellow believers, and praying for each person we encounter as we have boots on the ground. For many of the people we pass, we might be the first Christian to ever pray for them specifically! It is our desire and duty to plant seeds and spread the gospel to the nations as commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28. This is a huge opportunity and we are ready to embrace the calling that God has placed on our lives!

But we need your help. Please cover our family in prayer as we embark on this momentous task. But also please consider supporting us financially as we take these first steps into the mission field. We are currently raising $7,950 for airfare and expenses for this initial trip. We know that the spiritual gifting of some believers is generosity, and the dollars you give will reap eternal rewards. Donate to this cause to reach the unreached through our family by clicking DONATE below. Your donations are 100% tax deductible.

We as Christians cannot sit on the sidelines feeling overwhelmed by the massive number of people who don’t know Christ. It’s up to us to reach them as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Please partner with us as we seek to plant seeds with eternal harvest. Together we can change the world one lost soul at a time. Let His Kingdom come!